Created with Jenny Barnett, Wild Thing is a wry look at the call of the wild and the need for creature comforts. It explores the yearning to be intimately connected to nature, to express the wild aspects of human nature and what can happen when we respond to this desire.

Wilderness by Carl Sandburg

There is a wolf in me . . . fangs pointed for tearing gashes . . . a red tongue for raw meat
. . . and the hot lapping of blood—I keep this wolf because the wilderness gave it to
me and the wilderness will not let it go.

There is a fox in me . . . a silver-gray fox . . . I sniff and guess . . . I pick things out of the
wind and air . . . I nose in the dark night and take sleepers and eat them and hide the
feathers . . . I circle and loop and double-cross.

There is a hog in me . . . a snout and a belly . . . a machinery for eating and grunting . . .
a machinery for sleeping satisfied in the sun—I got this too from the wilderness and
the wilderness will not let it go...



Community dance project 2015 with City of Darebin and City of Banyule

The work blends physical theatre, dance, puppetry, voice, installation and theatre of the absurd to expose instinct and contradiction, desire and recoil. We “do not have to be good”, so we wont. This work was presented at The Mature Moves Festival in Hobart, Tasmania, from 23 – 25 September 2016.


2007 Community dance project as Caroline Plummer Community Dance Fellow

2007 Community dance project as Caroline Plummer Community Dance Fellow


Directed by Kereen Ely HarperChoreographer Katrina Rank (nee Phillips)Cinematography Coredelia Beresford

Directed by Kereen Ely Harper

Choreographer Katrina Rank (nee Phillips)

Cinematography Coredelia Beresford

No Ordinary kids

I made this film with Dianne Reid in collaboration with students of St Stephens Primary School, Reservoir Victoria in 2010. It was an outcome of an Artist in Residency program, funded by the Victorian Government.

St Stephens is a few blocks away from where I live - have lived for 20 years. Today I often see the students featured in the film, now young adults, as I move through the neighborhood.